Labour Relations

Labour Relations

The competence of the Labour Relations Inspection Department of the State Labour Inspection Office and at Regional Labour Inspectorates includes checking compliance with the obligations laid down by law (in particular the Labour Code) to employers in the following areas: 

  • the formation, changes and termination of labour relationships (e.g. the obligation to conclude employment contracts in writing and with all the necessary formalities, or the obligation to terminate employment relationship for legal reasons only),
  • working hours (e.g. the permitted weekly hours of work and individual shifts, mandatory breaks and rest periods, conditions for overtime work),
  • remuneration (e.g. the payment of minimum and guaranteed wages, the payment of compulsory premiums, the payment of wages within the statutory deadline), 
  • reimbursement of work-related expenses (e.g. reimbursement of business trip or relocation expenses), 
  • obstacles at work and annual leave (e.g. the provision of legally guaranteed length of leave), 
  • specific working conditions of certain employees (e.g. disabled, women, adolescents), 
  • employer's cooperation with employee representatives (particularly the obligations in cooperation between the employer and trade unions).
  • In the above areas, the relevant Labour Relations Inspection Departments also provide basic advice to employees and employers. 

Inspections are also performed based on complaints/initiatives of citizens (most often employees) and institutions. If a violation of the law is established, the Labour Inspection authorities may impose corrective measures on the employer, as well as a financial penalty. However, they do not have direct enforcement (execution) powers.

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